We offer to live experiences of nature tourism by the rivers of Chocó, natural wealth that this Paficic region possesses through responsible and environmentally friendly nature tourism with which we contribute to the development of the communities.
We promote our products and services through tourist packages, articulating the entire offer of the communities, with strategic allies, using digital channels such as the website and networks.
We work directly with the people of the destination, it is they who are in charge of developing the activities: the lady who prepares the food on the wood stove, the fisherman and farmer, who in their means of transport gives the visitor a tour of the river enjoying the enchanting landscapes and tributaries.
In articulation with:
Alcaldía de Quibdó, Cámara de Comercio del Chocó, RAP Pacifico, PNUD, SENA, CODECHOCÓ, IIAP, PROCOLOMBIA, Fontur.